Damages in Auburn Truck Accident Cases

With the rising number of trucks on the road in Maine, the likelihood of an accident with a commercial semi is increasing. If you were injured in an 18-wheeler collision in Auburn-Lewiston, you might be wondering what damages are available to compensate you for your injuries.

Semi-trucks are some of the largest vehicles on the road, and crashes can cause severe or life-altering injuries. After a truck accident, you will likely need time off work to recover, and the cost of medical care can add up quickly. If the trucker acted negligently, you can be compensated for the harm you suffered. If you were involved in a semi crash, contact an injury attorney to discuss damages in Auburn truck accident cases.

Recoverable Damages After a Truck Accident

While no amount of money can reverse the physical and emotional pain of an 18-wheeler collision, compensation can help injured parties move forward with their lives. Injured parties can recover economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

Economic losses are measurable, monetary losses related to a person’s injuries. Economic damages might include:

  • Lost income
  • Medical bills
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Long-term healthcare expenses
  • Funeral and burial expenses (in wrongful death cases)
  • Cost of mediation, physical therapy, and other treatment

Courts look to medical bills and other documentation to estimate the value of someone’s economic losses in a personal injury case.

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic damages refer to losses that are not as easily quantifiable. These losses are more subjective and vary based on the circumstances of each case. Noneconomic damages can include compensation for:

  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Permanent scarring
  • Disfigurement

In addition, punitive damages are available when a trucker or their employer’s negligence is particularly egregious. An Auburn semi crash lawyer can help determine damages and advocate for compensation.

Shared-Fault in Truck Accident Cases

Sometimes, truck collision cases involve multiple liable parties, and the injured party can even share fault for the incident. When this happens, Maine courts follow the modified comparative negligence approach. Each party will be assigned a percentage of fault for the crash and will pay damages based on their respective share.

However, the injured party can only recover damages if they are less than 50% responsible. If the judge or jury determines the person injured in a semi accident was 10% at fault, they can recover up to 90% of their total damages. However, if the injured person was more than 50% to blame, they lose their right to compensation. A personal injury attorney can look into shared fault cases and work to ensure the injured party gets fair damages for their injuries.

Call An Auburn Truck Accident Lawyer For Professional Assistance

If you were hurt in an 18-wheeler accident, you likely suffered significant losses. You might be wondering what your options for financial recovery are and what types of compensation you can pursue.

Unique factors can impact liability and damages in Auburn truck accident cases. By working with a seasoned legal professional, you can ensure you get the compensation you need and deserve. Call us today to learn more about what we can do for you.